Launching the Homestead Herbalist Membership HERE!
LESSON 1 - The Homestead Herbalist Membership
Welcome to the Homestead Herbalist Membership. The membership used to be on the Teachable platform, but I have since switched to SubStack! It allows me to work one on one with you much better! And Teachable, unfortunately, had a lot of glitches.
You can obtain access to all of these HH posts/membership by having a “homestead herbalist” subscription to my SubStack.
So, How Does This All Work?
When I first started my herbalism journey, what the online and local community lacked the most was, well, herbal community. Besides that, it greatly lacked herbalists that would speak truth, even during the hard moments of outbreaks or controversial pharmaceutical debates.
I aim to change all of that with this membership. But also, because of these things, this membership is private, and only open to those who truly want to invest into more herbal knowledge like this. In other words, I’m not wasting my time by trying to educate those who are extremely wishy-washy about the whole thing. I want to educate people who are all-in.
I’ll share with you herbal profiles to help fill your herb journal, videos that dive deeper into topics, and live discussions with you (and other herbalists) whenever we need to dive further into topics like current health events and herbal news. Live streams could even happen several times a month, depending on what's happening in the world!
How To Use Your Membership
HERB PROFILES can be found under the “herb profile” tag.
Livestreams are pre-scheduled, and I’ll let you know when they are coming up in the substack CHAT.
Videos, lectures, and power points that are shared with you will happen sporadically. These can be found under the Homestead Herbalist tag.
Printables and digital content are also available to you. This will grow sporadically as well. However, you'll find things like a material medical printable, ebooks, and more.
Members get access to HH COURSES! And any other digital content I create. That's the beauty of becoming a member. There's always something happening and being created!
Just keep in mind that if your membership lapses or ends, you will lose access to everything.
I am slowly uploading all of the previous content from the membership over the next two months.
Thank you
Hey Amy, I still can’t figure it out. I was a annual member but am not seeing any option but to pay again