Every time you post, it's like you're in my head. There are so many things in this post that I know the Lord has been speaking to me over the last few years. Creating a place of refuge, the Joseph Mantle, Goshen, all of it. It's huge confirmation for me of the direction that He has me going. I know the what and the why, I'm just not totally sure of the how just yet. 💗

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Crystal clear discernment and vision and clarion call. Anointed and, ever better, activated to fulfill the purposes of God. Warmly inspiring and hopeful in this crucial hour: time to get in step with the call of God. Thank you, beloved daughter of God. 🙂

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He has an amazing plan with trying times ahead. I am one of those “white collars” who was perfectly content until 2018. He’s taking us to middle Tennessee to feed others. I have no doubt in this purpose. I don’t have the totality of His plans but He has shown me this! He has used His call to Abraham (“go to a land that I will show you”) and the story of Joseph, to prepare during the 6 yrs for the 7th to come, to move me from my family and my no debt 1/4 acre home to a place far away with 50 times the space, all financed through a recent family inheritance. He continually shows me that He has “got this” even and especially when there are trials and setbacks. I believe that there is warfare in the heavenlies impacting the day to day in the here and now and I need prayer to keep all things in focus through the lens of He IS sufficient! Thank you for your transparency and your obedience in sharing!

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I am amazed to read what you wrote here, as God has been showing us the same. My conversations with my husband are such that: maybe I am crazy but, ... exactly what you are saying here, for the first time ever seeking to be independent and self-sufficient with enough to provide for our large family and neighbors. So we have purchased a piece of land, just 2 years ago, and now building slowly ourselves without borrowing. None of us have gardening experience but learning all we can and love it. It is God's work! Thank you, Amy! Keep up God's work! We so appreciate you! We'll see you at the HOA conference this fall. Olga and Tom

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I have felt the pull. I have lived in the same small town my whole life. We own a modest old brick building. I know God is going to use us and this place, I don’t know what it looks like, how or even when, but I know that I know it’s coming. I am willing, even though I am “weak” and my flesh “fails me”, he can and will do it. I hear in my spirit that we will be a refuge for those the church has deemed unworthy. As awful as that sounds I know some of you know what I mean. People that would never cross the threshold of the church because of rejection and religion.

Thank you Amy, you are one of the few that I follow on social media.

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WOW!!!! INCREDIBLY insightful and dead on for what I have been unable to actually articulate. I was at the HOA conference in 2021 and even though I sat in that traffic, missing sessions and feeling frustrated- there was a such a sense of God doing something in it and through it. I watched Joel Salatin and Mike- the Fit Farmer who gave an incredible testimony and encouragement. After the hell we had all been through we were seeing faces and seeing people who had gotten the word from the Lord to start preparing, things were changing. By the following year, my family and I moved 1,000 miles away from all of our family and friends to find land and a different way of living. We are incredibly blessed and God is helping us one step at a time build a sustainable way to provide for our family and we are 3 (country) doors down from a small farmers market. We met more neighbors and community members during our 3 yard sales than we had known in our previous state. I would love to have tea with you and hear the non cliff- note version. Thank you for your leadership and for hearing HIS voice above your own.

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It feels like pieces to a puzzle are falling into place.

In 2012, my husband and I went to Bethel in California and someone prophesied over Bill that he has the Joseph anointing. And since then we have always wondered exactly what that meant or how that would unfold.

We’ve always wondered if it had to do with him being a pastor and him feeding people spiritually, but we always also had this Deep feeling and calling that it was about food in some way.

And our little town in the center of Montana has been called Goshen by many people. My mom owns a Christian bookstore in town and has ran it for 48 years and for years, people have come in to her store and told her that they moved here Because God told them to and that it was their Goshen.

But oh, the battles we have faced, as we have moved more and more towards raising more food for us and our community

Anyways, thank you for writing this and I find it fascinating that so many others are getting this same word and revelation spoken over them

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Amen, and Amen!

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Let's Ride!

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Thank you. AMAZING.

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Well said!

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I was a small rural farm girl growing up. All we could have was chickens and rabbits and I always knew the Lord had more for me. 2020 was the year I FINALLY got goats, Nubians. I turned 40 in January of 2021 and there’s been so many things in these last 3 years and He and the Holy Spirit have done and shown me and spoken to me. I’m crying reading this because I feel this to my core. Every time I have questioned whether I should be doing this, this dairy goat thing, my small farm business of soaps and lotions and elderberry syrup and I all Him if this is what He wants for me, and I continue to get “yes” usually in the way of someone reaching out to me within that day ( sometimes within minutes to an hour) because they need what I provide. And I say, “Ok Lord, I’ll keep moving forward as long as you tell me to” and I usually cry knowing He’s right here in it with me. 2024 is going to look like me teaching/holding small dairy farming workshops for those go want to learn goat dairy farming and even possibly getting into fiber goats. He’s blessed me in my try/experiment at extended lactation in goats. And there have been days when I’m only physically standing because I’m being supernaturally sustained.🙌🏻 Thank You Lord for Amy and her family and this work you’ve laid on her and her willingness to say, “Yes Lord”. ❤️

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I just found you. Thank God for you. I have stock-piled food over the last 5 years...I could see what was coming, and I thought of Joseph as I did it. I was a homesteader in Vermont in the 70's and I've been compelled recently to get back to it. I'm a renter at this point in my life, but God has moved us from house to house until we are now in a place where I can at least garden and raise chickens with the full support of the landlord who lives next door. I've spent the last 50 years learning skills and collecting ideas and tools for living at an 1850's level, yet with some modern twists. Lately I've been totally involved in learning to ferment and deal with raw milk...something I've thought about for a long time, and now the Lord has made it possible. Thank you for declaring what we are doing and why we are here. Your vision of the future with small farms supporting a small number of households is exactly the vision I've had for the last 50 years. God has me in the California hills and has made it clear that I'm to stay here. Quite the challenge, but I can see the need even now.

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I literally burst into tears and was shaking when I read "place of refuge", that phrase has been on my heart and in my prayers for several years now as I have been seeking a homestead for myself that I can afford as a single. I have had a vision to create a sustainable & self-sufficient farm that blesses my family and my community, and a teacher's heart that wants to teach & train others to grow their own food however that might look for them. Bless you, Amy, for sharing what God has spoken and shared with you...for being faithful!

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