Amen! The Lord will separate the sheep (who truly surrender in faith) from the goats (who don't really trust in Him). We don't hear about current heat waves being caused by Hunga Tonga -- God's massive volcano that is probably the true culprit. No, we hear that humans caused it (with NO science), and that only technology can save us. See Isaiah 2:8.

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On point, John!! 🙌

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Amen! Amen! And Amen! Thank you so much for this encouragement. 💗

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Great message!

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As a tenacious, on fire for Jesus ten year old, my first peak into the weather and our part in it...was on a little trip down the highway in our ratty, blue pickup.

It started to hail big hail and the sound was deafening. I started praying and then knocked loudly on the metal roof of the pickup. At the same time I loudly said, “be quiet up there!”

And it instantly stopped.

Most would probably say it was coincidence. But me...?

Any time the clouds billow up to the west of us and come over the little hill, my two kids from a very early age would stand at the windows and doors with me and pray and sing and worship together. We’ll speak to the wind and hail and lighting to obey the voice of the Lord and leave us under the shelter of His wings and to be gone!

Just so cool to read what you wrote :)

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